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The show was absolutely fantastic, we did not expect the installation to look so stunning in the end with the lighting, music and all happy dressed up people around it. It was a great experience, I am beyond grateful for being part of this project and meeting all these brilliant people. :)
Posted 18 May 2014 12:44
On the last day of preparation, the team finalised the installation with a number of separate strings hanging from all over the net. 'The clouds became the sky'. On 17th May we are required to take the installation off after the shows took place, and of course we will be there to enjoy the shows ourselves.
Posted 17 May 2014 08:19
The next day, everyone had to participate in the assemblage of the installation, a.k.a. putting the hats on. Once again, team work was essential, and the group did very well on this day as well. The main bit of the installation, the backdrop itself was fully built. Discussion took place regarding the 'clouds' which were meant to be separate, smaller bits of hats hanging from above the audience. The need of this became debatable, since the backdrop stood out very well itself.
Posted 17 May 2014 08:08
Following on from the preparation process in studio, half of the team went to the church site, in order to start putting up the fishing net that will hold all the strings of paper hats in place. Great team work and good vibes resulted in both the net and the scaffolding up in place by the end of the day.
Posted 17 May 2014 07:58
After a presentation on 1st May, the collaborators and client chose a proposal to bring forward. The chosen proposal involves numerous folded paper hats tessellated by being hanged up on strings on various levels, shaping up a backdrop and screen, that will block the view from the public audience and provide 'safe' green room. The first few sessions were about planning layers, folding hats and setting up stations of production.
Posted 16 May 2014 09:44
After being allocated in groups of three, we were given the task to work on the initial ideas for a proposal for the backdrop installation. Since this development stage took place during holidays, communication and task distribution happened via internet connection. Each group had to cover the basic theoretical approach and a brief aesthetic and technical description of the proposals.
Posted 16 May 2014 09:26
29th April 2014. First meeting was held in Stockport. The group first met the fifth year co-ordinators, the collaborators and client. We all had a brief look at the church and took part in a guided tour in The Hat Works Musuem. Following on from the museum visit we went to the office provided by the MSA to brainstorm and discuss initial ideas.
Posted 16 May 2014 09:01