Day 6 - 12/05/14
Presentation day - We presented our final ideas to the group. Slight changes have to be made to the alignment and layout of the page before final hand in.
Posted 12 May 2014 12:31
Day 5 - 08/05/14
I started creating visuals for the landscape plans and spaces i was working on. This visual depicts a proposed outdoor play area just outside the creche space.
Posted 12 May 2014 12:14
Day 4 - 07/05/14
I worked more closely on the landscape aspect of the design. I looked at what was existing, and what spaces I could occupy to create a more interesting space. I came up with a plan incorporating a children's outdoor play area, sided next to a network of ramped paths leading to the various front entrances.
Posted 10 May 2014 00:05
Day 3 - 06/05/14
We split up into groups of 3 to work in detail each on different proposals for the space. my group looked at creating an educational space and a creche using the frontal part of the baths. We worked on our initial ideas and layout plans.
Posted 10 May 2014 00:01
Day 2 - 02/05/14
We visited out site, Withington baths, and collectively carried out site surveys. We also met with the group of people who are involved in saving the baths to gain some knowledge of what ideas they had for reusing the space.
Posted 6 May 2014 16:09
Day 1 - 30/04/14
We visited the biospheric foundation in Salford, and were taught about social, ecological and technical practices through urban research.
Posted 6 May 2014 15:45