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I finalized my idea for my final output and started working on it after the last workshop session on the sixth day. I completed some design drawings of the characters and started working on a short comedic narrative comic detailing a cartoon bears struggles gathering site analysis information.
Posted 15 May 2014 20:41
For the fifth day we did creative writing. From the storyboards i devised the previous day i split the structure into 3 parts to make it more concise and finalized a story idea for my final output.
Posted 15 May 2014 20:38
On the fourth day we started looking at how to do comic narratives and character design. That morning we went to the Shudehill Interchange and interviewed people to get ideas for narratives and i basically storyboarded how that went for me and designed cartoon versions of the interviewees.
Posted 15 May 2014 19:40
On the third day we were editing. The majority of the footage i used was from the filming but i did download some videos online for transitions between points of focus.
Posted 14 May 2014 16:38
On the second day we went filming and i focused on seeing how people interact with spaces and how that use changes the space.
Posted 14 May 2014 16:26
On the first day with the urban sketching group we sketched spaces inside the Manchester Central Library and the sketch i was happiest with at the end of the day was this sketch of a hallway and staircase on the 3rd floor with a nice aesthetic.
Posted 9 May 2014 21:15