This was a structure built to support the video projection our timeline of our event.
Posted 16 May 2014 12:01
Today we started hanging out mushrooms on our structure in the courtyard ready for display.
Posted 16 May 2014 11:59
Day 4.4
We started to plant our mushrooms on this day by filling our bottles or any other containers with coffee waste.
Posted 16 May 2014 11:53
Day 5
Before building the arch we made two pieces to fit arouynd the tree. The reason we form our arch like that was due to leonardo Da Vinci arch form, he devised a method for creating a self supported arched bridge that doesn't require anything to hold together,
Posted 16 May 2014 11:49
Day 5.5
This was the day we got to work on the structure in the courtyard. We worked as a group and with the help of other students to put the structure together. We used a new design to create an arch which went over the tree. This arch also had a seating area on either side. In order hold the arch together we nailed them.
Posted 13 May 2014 11:33
Day 4,
We went out as a whole to get crates from the UOM building site and the building site behind the chatham building. In order to build our 1.1 structure.
Posted 13 May 2014 11:26
Day 3,
On this day we had the chance to visit Biospheric Foundation. This was an oppurtunity to speak the expect Vincent Walsh about the different systems of the biospheric farming they use to grow different fungi and plants.
Posted 13 May 2014 11:22
Day 2,
After the events introduction. We split up in groups of fours to come up with ideas of a structure for hand our mushrooms to hang off. Then we presented all our ideas, because we couldn't come to mutual agreement we merged all our ideas together.
Posted 13 May 2014 11:16
Day 1,
On this day we got to know one another, and got a presentation about what this event was about and the theories behind it.
Posted 13 May 2014 11:12