T' end was nigh! Finally we displayed our work to the rest of the group, other peers, and to the people who had first helped us cultivate ideas surrounding this event. The space was transformed into a pirates lair, with our jewels placed within it. It was an opportunity to reflect and explain our findings, as well as receiving feedback.
Posted 16 May 2014 18:08
Our Queen Bee symbol on our treasure box, holding information on the city's gems.
Posted 16 May 2014 17:59
The route taken to get to 'The Portal'.
Posted 16 May 2014 17:57
T' final outcome! Our group brought our vision together. We isolated our sites on the map, making them more prominent whilst the other parts of the city remained vague. We indicated through pink pins where the chains were, whilst blue pins determined our sites positions, and white pins marked our route. We chose to only label the road names that our route across the city took. For us, this path was the only one to take if you wanted to find the hidden gems within the city, and therefore it was inconsequential to record any other.
Posted 16 May 2014 17:53
Me treaaye! A book produced that articulated my thoughts surrounding my chosen site, named 'The Watchtower'.
Posted 16 May 2014 17:43
We each had personal vision regarding our site, despite having an overall theme that linked them together. I was particularly interested in why only expensive cars were parked on the top floor of the Great Northern Railway Company car park site; the sense of security seemed to be key. I began modelling the ascent taken by these drivers to their prime parking spot.
Posted 16 May 2014 17:39
Ahoy! Now aft in Chatham! It was impediment to our group that we avoided chains. In order to make sure our route avoided all of them, we marked out the most prominent brands on a map of central Manchester.
Posted 16 May 2014 17:27
We wondered who stops at the lone benches by the ragged canal? Who uses the small lane with barbed wire and ladders hanging above? Why are only expensive cars parked on the top floor?
What decides what is a treasure in a city, and what is not?
Posted 8 May 2014 15:04
Sailin' through Manchester! With fresh eyes, and our captain beside us, we revisited our treasure. We chose spaces that we felt provided an escape from the normal hustle and bustle of city life. The gems could be found by walking a route that deliberately avoided the streets littered with big known chains.
Posted 8 May 2014 14:59
Our group explored spots that we felt where overlooked, traversing the city via the canal, through hidden tunnels and along quiet streets.
Posted 8 May 2014 14:51
Another day o' our voyage! With bottled messages from our captains, our group walked around the city centre seeking out hidden gems.
Posted 8 May 2014 14:45
The crew, lead by Tim 'Salty' Spiller. An overview of our pirate code of conduct, with the main themes being to avoid commercial chains, and sail the cityscape by alternative means of transport.
Posted 8 May 2014 14:33
Day 1 o' our pirate journey! We met our shipmates, and discussed what it meant to be pirate in this age. We proceeded to draw up our Jolly Roger, basing it on the Mancunion worker bee, with a fearsome twist. Now to prepare ourselves for t' rough trip around the seas o' Manchester!
Posted 8 May 2014 14:23