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Day 6-
We finally hung the plastic bottles on the frame, ready for the exhibition.
Posted 16 May 2014 23:16
Day 5-
We started designing information posters about our MushFarm.
Posted 16 May 2014 22:59
We finally created the structure for the mushrooms to be placed in.
Posted 13 May 2014 12:36
Day 3-
We finally decided on one idea, which was a blend of all three initial ideas. After we then started to experiment with the wooden crates we had collected
Posted 13 May 2014 12:34
Day 2-
We went to the Biospheric Farm, where we had a detailed talk about biospheric environments.
Posted 13 May 2014 12:28
Day 1-

On the first dat we split up into sub-groups to come up with initial ideas for the design of our Mush Farm.
Posted 13 May 2014 12:26