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And there goes the reward - champagne! John Bridge considered our design the best and we won the bottle of champagne!
Posted 16 May 2014 23:46
Final presentation of the design in front of Event 15 and special guest - John Bridge from Croft Goode Architects.Picture taken while showing the movie about our main material - mushroom and it's production and functions.
Posted 16 May 2014 23:44
Event 15 - finally all together in one picture!
Posted 16 May 2014 23:40
Our model is 1:10 scale so it is supposed to maintain 7 bricks as was calculated according to the information we got about the weight of the family for which it was designed. After adding a bit more foam representing mushroom structure our model maintained 5 bricks. The conclusion is, to maintain the whole family it would be necessary to put more foam to the model [mushroom in reality].
Posted 16 May 2014 23:38
Yes, it floats!
Posted 16 May 2014 23:30
Placing the wooden base representing the ground in the water - we put some bricks on it so it stays on the bottom of the lake.
Posted 16 May 2014 23:25
Ready to test the models, but safety first! Ed Wilson in a wetsuit and safety jacket. No swimming?
Posted 16 May 2014 23:22
The final quasi-sectional model ready to be tested in the water.
Posted 9 May 2014 22:28
The base finished in the workshop. Foam represents mushroom material, the frame is made of wood and piles are made of metal. The image shows how it is supposed to work if the flood occurs.
Posted 9 May 2014 21:57
After doing some research we decided that our floating house would have a base made of mushroom board. It is eco-friendly lightweight material that has the features of more or less polystyrene. With this material you can grow your house from mycelium and agricultural waste in a few days only!

For more information, check it out at .
Posted 9 May 2014 21:54
On Wednesday we also had a chance to present our ideas to Andrew Cameron. He found our Flouse interesting and therefore we finilized our design - we agreed with Andrew that it is mostly about technologies and how the base works as it would work with any design on it.
Posted 9 May 2014 21:02
On Wednesday 07 May we received a talk from Senior Flood Risk Management Adviser Andrew Cameron who introduced us to the impact of flooding and our actual response to flood risk. He also pointed out the importance of desiging floating shelters in order to protect people from damages in advance.
Posted 9 May 2014 20:50
While in Brockholes we paid special attention to the construction of the houses and materials used. The roof made the biggest impression on me - especially when I touched the material it was made of and surprisingly it was soft like a carpet!
Well done, Adam Kahn!
Posted 9 May 2014 20:33
It seems there are still places to which dogs are not allowed! :)
Posted 9 May 2014 20:22
After having decided that Brockholes Nature Reserve are going to be our main precedent we went for a trip there to see how it works in reality. The image shows what it feels to walk onto the floating platform.
Posted 9 May 2014 20:20