Group 06 { Waiting }
Redefine transition spaces of waiting // Design and manufacture an installation
Atelier: Contested Peripheries
Day one- Visit to the tram station to see where we would be installing our 'waiting' installations.
Posted 8 May 2014 16:26
Session three involved presenting our proposal to Transport for Greater Manchester. We talked to them about how we felt the people used the space, and how we can use their movement to create an interesting visual. We are yet to hear the winning proposal.
Posted 7 May 2014 21:37
Session two consisted of thinking of ideas that would enrich the space and transform it in to an interesting an interactive environment. We decided on a proposal that uses coloured lights to utilise the movement of the people passing through the station, using mainly involuntary participation as time to interact with an installation is limited for the commuting public that pass though the station.
Posted 7 May 2014 21:34
Session one included visiting Manchester Piccadilly and becoming familiar with how people move through the space and what existing interactions they have to the site. We then started to think of ideas that would suit the people traveling through the station.
Posted 7 May 2014 21:26
Third Session
-Presenting to Collaborator
-After feedback we worked out the plan of the installation and the process of making it
Posted 7 May 2014 16:44
Second Session
-Worked in studio to finalise concept, design, material, cost
-Produce an A1 proposal sheet for presentation next session
Posted 7 May 2014 16:42
First Session
-Visit the site (Picadilly Metrolink)
-Back in studio to start analysing the site and propose a concept to 5th years
Posted 7 May 2014 16:30
Session 3
We presented our proposal and then discussed more details about it.
Posted 7 May 2014 12:54
Session 2
We did a research of the site and tried to fit our idea better with the site, space, time and people's circulation.
Posted 7 May 2014 12:34
Session One
We visited the site and then came up with the idea of introducing music into the station.
Posted 7 May 2014 12:24
Day three the proposal, here we are presenting our design plan to collaborators from the network rail. it was a little nerve racking but fun all the same. Feedback from the collaborators was very useful
Posted 7 May 2014 12:06
Day two, the final proposal for network rail, the idea of the design is to reflect light, but its main purpose is to draw attention to the existing architecture, as commuters transit through the space the special tape acts as a mirroring 3D flooring.
Posted 7 May 2014 12:00
Day we are busy designing the final proposal for the tram line at piccadilly station. We searched online for materials and different techniques, here I'm editing our final perspective image, whilst my team members finalise hand drawings to be photo edited.
Posted 7 May 2014 11:53
Day 3: Presenting our ideas to the collaborators- transport for Greater Manchester.
Posted 7 May 2014 10:27
Day 2: Refining our idea. Details of execution plan and other considerations
Posted 7 May 2014 10:25
Day 1: site visit and generating intallation ideas- we decided on an interactive musical installation
Posted 7 May 2014 10:09
Presenting the proposals to collaborators by groups and discussing on proposals about what to change after receiving feedback from collaborators.
Posted 7 May 2014 00:24
Session 2:
Working on the A1 proposal sheet, including: a Photoshop illustration, hand drawing diagrams, materials uses and the estimated cost etc.
Posted 7 May 2014 00:23
Session 1:
Separated people into four small groups and discussing possible ideas.
We (members of Group 4) found that there is not many people notice the space itself, especially the wonderful ceiling above and they always rush to get on trams.
So we decided to do something highlighting as well as appreciating the ceiling (structure) of the space to make people “wait” a minutes to look around the space that they passed by everyday.
Posted 7 May 2014 00:21
Session 1:
Site visit at Manchester Piccadilly and be given a brief about the event on different aspects, like what the aim is, how it gonna work in these event weeks and also the consideration on safety and budget etc.
Posted 7 May 2014 00:19
Day 3, presentation and finalised the proposal. After having the feedback, we worked out the actual plan for fabricating and assembling the design.
Posted 7 May 2014 00:13
Day one of events programme, after viewing the site we came up with a design to be installed inside the tram station waiting areas which would intrigue daily commuters.
Posted 6 May 2014 22:28
Day one of events at Piccadilly tram line, discussing possible design prospects health and safety…all the good stuff!
Posted 6 May 2014 22:16
Session 3: Proposals prepared and printed by students for the presentation with the Collaborator (Transport for Greater Manchester)
Posted 6 May 2014 13:52
Session 3 : Students doing discussion on their proposals after the presentation and feedback from the collaborator
Posted 6 May 2014 13:48
Session 3: Phil Haynes, Stakeholder Communications Officer of
Transport for Greater Manchester (Collaborator) giving his feedback for the presentation by year 01 and year 02 students
Posted 6 May 2014 13:45
Worked on the presentation, did a piece of A1 presentation sheet. Including diagrams, a photomontage, materials and the total cost.
Posted 6 May 2014 12:06
Day 1, site visit and came up the design idea. We did some sketch plans and diagrams to explain our idea.
Posted 6 May 2014 12:01