Group 02 { Why Waste Waste }
Design a sustainable micro-home with city waste // Construction Methods
Atelier: qed
Day 5: Pieces were cut for the frames used for the roof and the base. After all the pieces are made, all that is left is the clearing of the site and the assemblage on site.
Posted 12 May 2014 21:45
Day 4: After cutting some of the pieces down into half pieces and 3/4 pieces we combined them together to form what the final design is going to look like.
Posted 12 May 2014 21:42
Building the base of the microshelter and discussing about more bracing.
Using waste boards found in MMU Waste area for the roof. Ripping off the rough felt, and taking out the used waste tacks to use for the roof of our microshelter.
Posted 12 May 2014 16:17
12th May- Team got together to head to the workshop to cut pieces for the roof frame. Components were screwed together. Building the roof of micro-shelter.
Posted 12 May 2014 16:14
We finalized the design and thought of all the extra materials we will need.
Posted 11 May 2014 15:37
We tried out different possibilities for constructing the shelter using the chosen design as a base.
Posted 11 May 2014 15:35
We developed our ideas in groups of 3 and the client chose her favourite.
Posted 11 May 2014 15:27
Day 1: we met our client while visiting the site and she told us her requirements for the shelter we were going to build. For day 2 we had to come up with a design which incorporates a shelter, a sitting place and maybe space to put a hammock and a BBQ in.
Posted 11 May 2014 15:26
day 3. bringing drawings to life
Posted 11 May 2014 13:55
day 4. unbeatable view. group work always teaches you something
Posted 11 May 2014 13:48
day 3. can't get away from all those historical stufff
Posted 11 May 2014 13:47
day 3. distraction continues as i unravel a journey through history.
Posted 11 May 2014 13:46
day 3. distracted from work. heal youself
Posted 11 May 2014 13:45
day 2. Group discussions. you learn a lot from them
Posted 11 May 2014 13:42
day 1. visiting and analysing the site. don't deny the beauty of a flower
Posted 11 May 2014 13:40
Day 4: dry testing some designs
Posted 9 May 2014 18:37
Day 4: Group reviewing and discussing the latest design proposal on the TV screen. Everyone is actively engaged in the decision making.
Posted 8 May 2014 22:24
Day 5: Good to have Paul on the team. He knows what he's doing when it comes to timber.
Posted 8 May 2014 22:19
Day 5: Paul, Arjun, Seong and Lizzie cutting pallets to required sizes at the MMU timber workshop.
Posted 8 May 2014 22:15
Day 5: Team efforts help us assemble a gesign mock-up in no time.
Posted 8 May 2014 22:12
Day 3: Tech consultation with Steve O'Conner - giving us useful advice on the structural aspects of the design.
Posted 8 May 2014 22:05
Day 4: Marco's concept image of our Micro-shelter proposal to be sent t client.
Posted 8 May 2014 22:03
8th May- Seong Cheng, Paul, Arjun and Marco thinking about how the roof will be connected to the rest of the structure, types of waterproofing materials and talks about the direction and gradient of the sloped roof.
Posted 8 May 2014 21:56
8th May- Zlatina and Paul discussing which pallets still need cutting at the workshop, and some of the types of bolts and connections that should be used for different parts of the structure.
Posted 8 May 2014 21:52
The group reminisce as Tiffany points out just how small the pallet structure was a mere few days ago. A very emotional moment.
Posted 8 May 2014 18:31
Experimenting with our materials: timber pallets. it was really helpful to have a good idea what we're dealing with offsite to avoid making mistakes when building on site.
Posted 8 May 2014 14:36
looking at variety of design proposals and experimenting with cardboard models in different rearrangements.
Posted 8 May 2014 14:32
site visit and analysis in addition to understanding the client's requirements
Posted 8 May 2014 14:09
Day 3
Finalising the design and doing a test assembly
Posted 8 May 2014 12:32
Day 2
Discussing designs and working with the pallets
Posted 8 May 2014 12:28
Day 1
Site analysis and meeting the client
Posted 8 May 2014 12:27
Concept testing through sketch models
Posted 7 May 2014 23:16
Site visiting and meeting the client. Included measuring the site, considering environmental aspects and one hour discussion with the client about her requirements regarding the design and programme of the shelter.
Posted 7 May 2014 23:08
Day 3: Testing and configuring the combinations through a physical model using the wooden pallets.
Posted 7 May 2014 19:07
Day 2; Presentation and developmental ideas for the micro shed. Taking aspects from each group to create a final design.
Posted 7 May 2014 19:05
Day 1: Site visit and discussion with client.
Posted 7 May 2014 19:01
1:1 prototype experiments of micro-shelter, arranging pallets to create space for different functions. Images and drawings emailed to client to give final comments to in anticipation for tomorrow's build in workshop.
Posted 7 May 2014 17:25
Further conversation and development of microshelter designs with the client, to ensure that it meets the client's needs and programs wanted for the micro-shelter.
Posted 7 May 2014 17:18
Presentation of design proposals for the micro-shelter that were then developed further and discussed as a team.
Posted 7 May 2014 17:13
Site visit for the micro-shelter. Consultation with client.
Posted 7 May 2014 14:58
Considering the best way to stack up the pallets to make an interesting seated/shelved/canopied structure
Posted 7 May 2014 14:47
Rearranging pallets to inform our micro-home design
Posted 7 May 2014 14:37
Day 3: Collating our ideas to revise a final design
Posted 7 May 2014 09:58
Day 2: Developing initial ideas for our design- stacking pallets
Posted 7 May 2014 09:55
Day 1: Surveying our site in Chorlton! 3m x 1.5m footprint
Posted 7 May 2014 09:53
Day 2: Bringing a real pallet (our primary building block) to studio helped the students a lot in better understanding the limitations, challenges but also the opportunities of designing with pallets. It made them consider information that 3D digital models were not capable of providing.
Posted 6 May 2014 22:30
Day 2: Me and Tiffany reviewing initial design ideas for the Micro-shleter.
Posted 6 May 2014 22:22
Day 1: We visited the site and met with the client (collaborator) we are doing the project for. She explained her specific requirements and site restraints.
Posted 6 May 2014 22:14